Our mission is to develop and disseminate effective classroom resources for social, emotional and character education. We pursue this mission by inviting early childhood and elementary / primary school teachers to join our research team. Please share your expertise with us!
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SEL resources: Download classroom activities and strategies.
Podcast: Listen to current SEL research being applied in schools. Currently over 40 episodes.
Blog: Stories from SEL educators working with children. Contact us to contribute your story.
SEL learning community: Your portal for peer-to-peer sharing.
Research projects: Share knowledge from your classroom.
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Professional Development: Provided by the authors live or online. Request professional development for yourself or your staff. Download related curriculum and activities for attendees.
Why “JustUnity?”
JustUnity is a play on words, promoting a society that is both “just” and full of “unity.” A society characterized by justice and unity gradually emerges as each generation learns important social, emotional and character skills, values and attitudes.

Authors & Contributors
- Michael Haslip, Ph.D., Assistant Professor (Faculty Page)
- Dr. Sarah Taylor-Whiteway, Educational Psychologist
- Sierra Trudel, Ph.D. Candidate, University of Connecticut
- Julie Muehlenkamp, Health & Wellness Coordinator
Thank you to our artists, Ariel (age 7) and Eve (age 4)